Help Stop The Roundabout



The current threat to Historic Hangtown is the proposed construction of a four-legged roundabout at the intersection of Main/Cedar Ravine/Clay, around the Druid Monument, and the demolition and replacement of the Clay Street Bridge. This $4.56 million project is for no other reason than to enhance the streetscape and will have no effect on traffic flow or air quality.
Business/property owners and concerned community members have been forced to take the only option left open to them to stop the construction of the roundabout which would effectively put the merchants out of business. A lawsuit has been filed to stop the roundabout project. A donation account has been established at El Dorado Savings Bank on Main Street in Placerville under “Friends of Historic Hangtown.”
Friends of Historic Hangtown is a grass roots effort to protect and preserve our natural, historical and cultural Gold Rush era resources for the enjoyment of present and future generations of residents and visitors.